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About clean up imported STL mesh in Salome

Posted: 05 May 2021, 16:25
by tryphena
I have imported an STL file into Salome. I want to clean up the original triangular mesh. But nothing happens for the small pipes-like structures after I click "Union Faces". What operation shall I do to clean up the mesh?

I would like to remesh it using the Netgen mesh in the mesh module. Thanks.

Re: About clean up imported STL mesh in Salome

Posted: 05 May 2021, 23:14
by kevinarden
Blender and STl files are not ideal for finite element mesh analyses (FEA). Their purpose is more focused on how the part looks in a design or animation. It is a surface modeling tool, focused on displaying the surface as realistic as possible. FEA is based on solid geometry modeling that is more focused on accurate representation of how the solid part is defined mathematically, not how it looks or is displayed. This geometry is straightforward to model in the Salome geometry module using solid primitives and boolean operation, which would simplify your process, by starting with solid geometry not surface geometry.

Re: About clean up imported STL mesh in Salome

Posted: 06 May 2021, 14:35
by tryphena
Hi Kevinarden,
Actually, that curved loop is a welder line generated by a blender add-on, which is like the one between the two cylinders. I hide the objects being welded together.

In the light of your response, I think I should generate the welder line directly in Salome. Hopefully, I can find an easy way to do it. Thanks.