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Requirements for MMG3DSolver

Posted: 16 Dec 2020, 22:43
by spacedout
Hello everybody


I have added

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/elmer/mmg/mymmg/lib64

to my .bash_profile file. (the absolute path is the location of the mmg_tools libraries after I installed them)

but upon executing Elmer's cmake command, I still get

-- Mesh adaptation 2D/3D looking for [Mmg] tools
-- Library not found: >MMG_FOUND<
-- Missing: >MMG_INCLUDE_DIR< , >MMG_LIBRARY<, to compile MMG3DSolver


Does Elmer's MMG3DSolver need the SCOTCH and ELAS packages that are options in the installation of mmg_tools ?

Yours truly