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TemperateIceSolver (temperature): Max/min values is so big/small?How to solve?

Posted: 21 Dec 2021, 09:09
by jeffjoy
Hello,i have run the diagnostic test successfully,but,in the prognostic,i don't know the max/min temperature is so ridiculous,i havehave run it in the diagnostic the same temperature solution code,and i set the upper temperature limit =275,the result is also so big,why the TemperateIceSolver (temperature): Max/min values is so big/small,how to solve it?Thanks!Who knows?

Code: Select all

ComputeChange: NS (ITER=2) (NRM,RELC): (  289.60641     0.71528694     ) :: homologous temperature equation
TemperateIceSolver (temperature):  Number of constrained points:          206
TemperateIceSolver (temperature):  Max/min values Temperature:    51317.891207115179      /  -18895.378093183637

Code: Select all

Material 1
  Density = Real #rhoi*(yearinsec^(-2.0))*Pa2MPa  

  Viscosity Model = String "glen"
  Viscosity = 1.0 ! Dummy but avoid warning output
  Glen Exponent = Real 3.0

  Limit Temperature = Real -10.0
  Rate Factor 1 = Real #A1
  Rate Factor 2 = Real #A2
  Activation Energy 1 = Real #Q1 
  Activation Energy 2 = Real #Q2  
  Glen Enhancement Factor = Real 1.0 !10!4.0!3.0!2.0!1.0
  Critical Shear Rate = Real 1.0e-10

  Relative Temperature = Real -1.0
  !Relative Temperature = Equals Temperature Homologous   !!!!New Add
  Cauchy = Logical True 
 ! heat transfer
  Temperature Heat Capacity = Variable Temperature
    Real lua "capacity(tx[0])*yearinsec^(2.0)"

  Temperature Heat Conductivity = Variable Temperature
    Real lua "conductivity(tx[0])*yearinsec*Pa2MPa"
   ! Upper limit - pressure melting point
  Temperature Upper Limit = Variable Pressure
    Real lua "pressuremeltingpoint(tx[0])"
  ! Temperature Upper Limit = Real 275.15 
   ! lower limit (to be save) as 0 K
  Temperature Lower Limit = Real 0.0

    Min Zs = Variable ZbDEM
    	Real LUA "tx[0]+ 0.1"

Code: Select all

Solver 9
  Equation = String "Homologous Temperature Equation"
  Procedure =  File "ElmerIceSolvers" "TemperateIceSolver"
  ! Comment next line in parallel, as EliminateDirichlet does
  ! not work in parallel
  !Before Linsolve = "EliminateDirichlet" "EliminateDirichlet"
  Loop While Unconstrained Nodes = Logical True
  Variable = String "Temperature"
  Variable DOFs = 1
  Linear System Solver = "Iterative"
  Linear System Iterative Method = "BiCGStab"
  Linear System Max Iterations = 500
  Linear System Convergence Tolerance = 1.0E-07
  Linear System Abort Not Converged = True
  Linear System Preconditioning = "ILU0"
  Linear System Residual Output = 1
  Steady State Convergence Tolerance = 1.0E-04
  Nonlinear System Convergence Tolerance = 1.0E-05
  Nonlinear System Max Iterations = 50
  Nonlinear System Relaxation Factor = Real 9.999E-01
  ! uses the contact algorithm (aka Dirichlet algorithm)
  Apply Dirichlet = Logical True
  Stabilize = True
  ! those two variables are needed in order to store
  ! the relative or homologous temperature as well
  ! as the residual
  Exported Variable 1 = String "Temperature Homologous"
  Exported Variable 1 DOFs = 1
  Exported Variable 2 = String "Temperature Residual"
  Exported Variable 2 DOFs = 1