Vectors in sif assigments and Fortran functions

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Vectors in sif assigments and Fortran functions

Post by spacedout »

I am reading the ElmerSolver Manual under the sif structure, keyword syntax, defining parameters depending on field variables, and I have a feeling that Elmer cannot do

Velocity = Variable ........
but only
Velocity i = Variable ........
(where i is of course a fixed number 1 or 2 or 3)

and for the sake of argument, whereas

Potential = Variable elfield Ne Grad
Real MATC "..."

would be illegal,

Potential = Variable elfield 1, elfield 2, elfield 3, Ne Grad 1, Ne Grad 2, Ne Grad 3
Real MATC "..."

would be acceptable syntax

Next, with Fortran functions:

Density = Variable Temperature
Procedure "filename" "proc"
FUNCTION proc( Model, n, T ) RESULT(dens)
USE DefUtils
TYPE(Model_t) :: Model
REAL(KIND=dp) :: T, dens
dens = 1000*(1-1.0d-4(T-273.0d0))

it is stated that n is the node index and T is the value of the independent variable at that node. I guess there is something like

do i=1,Nnodes
density = proc(Model, i, Temperature(i))
end do

implied in Procedure "filename" "proc" I also guess writing

FUNCTION proc( Model, T ) RESULT(dens)

would be illegal even though INTEGER :: n is not used anywhere in the above definition of proc because Procedure "filename" "proc"
expects that there should be 3 parameters to proc.

And with

Density = Variable Coordinate
Procedure "filename" "proc"
FUNCTION proc( Model, n, T ) RESULT(dens)

would the definition of proc access Coordinate at node n using

T(1) for x,T(2) for y,T(3) for z ??

Is anything as stated incorrect up to now ?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Vectors in sif assigments and Fortran functions

Post by raback »


You can have for example

Code: Select all

FUNCTION proc( Model, n, T ) RESULT(dens)
  USE DefUtils
  TYPE(Model_t) :: Model
  INTEGER :: n
  REAL(KIND=dp) :: T(6), dens
  dens = function_of(T(1),T(2),...)  
and call it with

Code: Select all

Potential = Variable elfield 1, elfield 2, elfield 3, Ne Grad 1, Ne Grad 2, Ne Grad 3
  Real Procedure "mymodule" "proc"
or within code get the variables

Code: Select all

FUNCTION proc( Model, n, dummy ) RESULT(dens)
  USE DefUtils
  TYPE(Model_t) :: Model
  INTEGER :: n
  REAL(KIND=dp) :: dummy, T(6), dens
  TYPE(Variable_t), POINTER :: Var
  Var => VariableGet(Model % Variables,'elfield1')
  T(1) = Var % Values(Var % Perm(n))
  Var => VariableGet(Model % Variables,'elfield2')
  T(2) = Var % Values(Var % Perm(n))
  dens = function_of(T(1),T(2),...)  
and call it with

Code: Select all

Potential = Variable "time"
  Real Procedure "mymodule" "proc"
The library takes case of creating the arguments from the list of variables in the sif file. So for nodal finite elements the "n" is the nodal index.

It should be noted the the same UDFs may be called on integration points and then "n" will no longer be a nodal value, but you could still use the 1st syntax as the library evaluates the arguments automatically at the integration points.

Hope this helps in understanding.

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Re: Vectors in sif assigments and Fortran functions

Post by spacedout »

Just my opinion, but for everyone's benefit, perhaps this example of the proc code with the dummy variable could be included in the ElmerSolver Manual under the sif structure, keyword syntax, defining parameters depending on field variables. Unless it is already in some tutorial but if it is, I wouldn't know which.
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