Setting up thermal transient run

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Setting up thermal transient run

Post by bptsj »

I am having difficulty setting up a simple thermal transient run in ElmerGui. I have looked at the Tutorial that has such an example but I am still missing some points:

1. Is "Timestep Intervals" the integer # of time steps in the simulation, ie, 200 ?
2. Is "timestep sizes" the real step size in sec, ie, 0.01 sec? So for the this example the total simulation time is 2.0 sec?
3. What is "output intervals"?
4. I set up a problem just as I would a steadystate heat flow except I selected transient. For the heat load in one body I set a value equivalent to 3.5W. Is this a step function at time zero?
5. I set a Boundary condition of 320K on one surface. Is this a step function at time zero?
6. How are the initial conditions supposed to be set for the rest of the bodies? I'm trying to simulate the thermal time response of a body sitting at 320K when a 3.5W load is turned on.
7. Which post processor should be used., ElmerPost or VTK, both accessible from ElmerGui?
8. What steps are needed to plot a node or surface temperature versus time? Can this be done?

Thank you so much. I've only used Elmer for about 2 days now but have made great progress.

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Re: Setting up thermal transient run

Post by mzenker »


I would advise you to have a look into the manuals. Your questions 1-3, for example, are answered in the Elmersolver manual on page 32.

4. At time zero, your system is at the initial conditions, so you will not see an effect of heat load.
5. Your surface will be at 320 K at time zero.
6. If your body is at 320 at time zero, this is the initial condition you have to set.
7. Question of taste. I prefer ParaView over ElmerPost or ElmerGUI. But this implies that you generate vtk output using ResultOutputSolver - see models manual for more info.
8. For ElmerPost / GUI I don't know. In ParaView, you can select a point and use the "Plot Selection Over Time" filter.


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Re: Setting up thermal transient run

Post by bptsj »

Sorry for being to quick to ask on the forum; I missed that info scanning the manual. I'll read more closely. I did get my sample problem up and running. Also, thanks for the pointer to ParaView.

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