internal boundaries in gmsh

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internal boundaries in gmsh

Post by Jonas »

I am trying to make a simple heat tranfer analysis similar to the intrusion in tutorial 3. I want to calculate propagation of heatwaves from surface. (left) I made "1D" mesh, but with regresive node density to the right by spliting the body in gmsh
The problem i that there are now boundaries inside the body (although in gmsh they are se to be elementary entities). If I uderstood it properly, the boundaries will be set to heatflux = 0 if i leave them empty so it would mess up the results completly.
Is there any other way to make regresive node spacing?

Thanks for the answer

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Re: internal boundaries in gmsh

Post by kevinarden »

It may caused by coincident points/nodes they can be merged with the coherence command. You can also use mesh define transfinite curve to specify the number of elements on each curve.
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