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Python script for reading results from *ep

Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 00:36
by dak
Hi all!
Some time ago, I wrote a python script, which helped me a lot. I think that it could be useful for some of you. It works like a saving line procedure, but you don't have to
recalculate your problem if you want to have other results. I have created project at sourceforge

To use this script you have to install:
1. python
2. numpy
The best way is to copy this program to some system path (/home/user/bin) or c:\windows\command

and use it in xterm or windows command prompt

Options that program understands (to see this just start the program)
'x=' <cordinate_x>
'y=' <cordinate_y>
'z=' <cordinate_z>
'rnd=' tolerance in searching coordinates
'how_many_times' - check and leave
'times=' to choose times in file, from which you want results, place your times between braces e.g.: [n,m,z]
'time_graph' - to show result for one point vs time, need only one point
'results' - to check and show what results are in the file
'result='<which> - to show chosen result from file, give number (result=0)
'file=' - where I should write results

This script may be used for:
1. reading one point in chosen times, for example: room5t11f.ep x=0.19 y=0.51 rnd=2 time=[10,20,110] file=a result=0

2. reading one point for all times, for example: room5t11f.ep x=0.19 y=0.51 rnd=2 time_graph file=a result=0

3. reading all points which have given coordinate (in below example x=0.19, so every point which have x=0.19 will be written) for one time room5t11f.ep x=0.19 rnd=2 notime time=[100] file=a result=0

Example of using:

We want to save velocity x and in result.ep we could write in xterm or windows dos: result.ep results

Result 0 -> Partition
Result 1 -> Temperature
Result 2 x -> Velocity
Result 3 y -> Velocity
Result 4 z -> Velocity
Result 5 -> Pressure

We want Temperature for one point which is somewhere in x=0.2 y=0.5

To choose exactly one point we write in xterm or windows dos: result.ep x=0.2 y=0.5 rnd=1

(options rnd=1 means that we are searching every points, with x coordinate that could be round to 0.2 (for example 0.19, 0.23)

we get:

['/home/daniel/bin/', 'room6t1_2.ep', 'x=0.2', 'y=0.5', 'rnd=1']
I am searching coordinates with x = 0.2

I am searching coordinates with y = 0.5

Setup tolerance for search coordinates 1
Result file header

5335 10574 6 150 scalar: Partition scalar: Temperature vector: Velocity scalar: Pressure

There are 5335 coordinates
['0', '0', '0\n']
[0, 1] [0.20000000000000001, 0.5]
press THE key
coordinates table which was find
[0, 1]
[0.24729247734000001, 0.49536525556099997, 0.0] is in position : 948
[0.192384085196, 0.51235128774299998, 0.0] is in position : 1137
[0.171681107902, 0.47596647291299998, 0.0] is in position : 1168
[0.22844919370399999, 0.46485797747399998, 0.0] is in position : 1181
[0.23916515465800001, 0.53507314989200006, 0.0] is in position : 1194
[0.21923170134299999, 0.50338055414899996, 0.0] is in position : 1465
[0.157718232244, 0.51972863480700005, 0.0] is in position : 1469
[0.210528150779, 0.54474447000000004, 0.0] is in position : 1472
[0.20160789435599999, 0.47031891569500001, 0.0] is in position : 1476
I am searching for point = [0.20000000000000001, 0.5]
I am going to save 9 point
press any key

So we are interested with point x=0.1577 y=0.5197 and temperature for all times result.ep x=0.16 y=0.52 rnd=2 result=1 time_graph file=out

But one could also want result for only time=10,20,30

So we execute: result.ep x=0.16 y=0.52 rnd=2 result=1 time=[10,20,30] file=out

Daniel Kucharski

Re: Python script for reading results from *ep

Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 22:51
by raback
Thanx Daniel for contributing. I hope many users will find your script useful. Its indeed sometimes painful to make the simulations again just for getting some postprocessing data.


Re: Python script for reading results from *ep

Posted: 28 Feb 2010, 04:46
by dak
Hi all

In 0.12 version I have added next script, which counts iterations for all timesteps in file taken as a output from
To have this log file you have to run ElmerSolver with command:
ElmerSolver > log_file

and then: in=log_file out=file_with_iterations

Basically it was to help Koske viewtopic.php?f=3&t=304, but I have found this script very helpful.
It shows if in any of time step iterations reached maximum value, which could mean that convergance tolerance wasn't achieved.

Ok Regards
Daniel Kucharski

Re: Python script for reading results from *ep

Posted: 08 Nov 2011, 14:13
by dak
Hi all
I have found some errors. New version 0.16 was upload.