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Elmer installation problem

Posted: 04 Jul 2019, 13:50
by Nanga

I would like to install Elmer on Ubuntu 12.04 but I have some problems. First of all I compiled the elmer source packages in the following order:matc, umfpack, mathlibs, elmergrid, meshgen2d, eio, hutiter, fem, using the normal procedure of ./configure, make, make install, as suggested in the Elmer official homepage. Then, I installed all the optional components to compile ElmerGUI. I used the following library: libfreetype6 and libfreetype6-dev (FREETYPE, libfreeimage-dev (FREE IMAGE 3.14.1), libftgf2 (FTGL 2.13), libgl2ps-dev (GL2PS 1.3.5), python-qt4 (PYTHON-QT), libtet1.4.2, libtet1.4.2-dev, tetge (TETGEN 1.4.2), libtbb-dev, libtbb-doc (TBB 4.1.2), Qwt-6.1, Qt 4.8, and vtk-5.8.

When I try to configure ElmerGUI I obtain the following errors:

Code: Select all

tmp/glwidget.o:glwidget.cpp:function GLWidget::changeProjection(): error: undefined reference to 'gluPerspective' 
tmp/glwidget.o:glwidget.cpp:function GLWidget::resizeGL(int, int): error: undefined reference to 'gluPerspective' 
tmp/glwidget.o:glwidget.cpp:function GLWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent*): error: undefined reference to 'gluPickMatrix' 
tmp/glwidget.o:glwidget.cpp:function GLWidget::drawCoordinates(): error: undefined reference to 'gluCylinder' 
tmp/glwidget.o:glwidget.cpp:function GLWidget::drawCoordinates(): error: undefined reference to 'gluCylinder' 
tmp/glwidget.o:glwidget.cpp:function GLWidget::drawCoordinates(): error: undefined reference to 'gluCylinder' 
tmp/glwidget.o:glwidget.cpp:function GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*): error: undefined reference to 'gluNewQuadric' 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 
make[1]: *** [ElmerGUI] Error 1 
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/silvia/trunk/ElmerGUI/Application' 
make: *** [sub-Application-make_default] Error 2 
Because of the missing reference to a type I supposed that the error could be a missing inclusion in the source code, so I searched on the web and found out that glu* types (where * stands for "anything" and not for pointer ) are defined in glu.h; so I added this line at the top of glwidget.h file: #include <GL/glu.h>
I've cleaned the source folder and rebuilt all, but I still have the same errors.
Any suggestion?

Thank you in advance.

Re: Elmer installation problem

Posted: 04 Jul 2019, 15:03
by mzenker

Ubuntu 12.04 is 7 years old and not supported any more. I would suspect old compiler/library versions to be at least a part of the problems you have to compile the current Elmer sources. Normally precompiled Elmer binaries for Ubuntu can be found on launchpad, see here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1#p19826. But there is no package for Ubuntu12 as far as I have seen.
So I would serioisly consider updating your Ubuntu. You might also run into other types of problems with such an old linux (e.g. recent versions of Mozilla Firefox are not available) ...
