New minor release 6.2

Updates in software, documentation, sites etc.
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Joined: 21 Aug 2009, 15:11

New minor release 6.2

Post by Juha »

Hello all,

we have updated Elmer windows binaries at There are now
a few new binary packages in addition to the familiar installer. The packages are:

o 32bit windows installer with GUI and compiler gfortran-elmer (gfortran 4.3.3)

o 32bit windows .zip file (no installer, just unzip to your preferred location) with GUI but
no compiler, compiled with recent MinGW default compiler (gcc 4.5.2 )

o 64bit windows .zip file, includes only ElmerSolver and related utilities, i.e. without GUI or compiler.
The package was compiled with recent x86_64-mingw32-w64 compiler package. Useful for those with
large models where 2GB memory is not enough.

The download pages and "README" files within the packages have more detailed information.

We have decided to call this package (SVN rev 5191) Elmer release 6.2. (Somewhat cursory) release notes

Hopefully we'll be able to do more regular release update in future.

Enjoy the new features.
Elmer Team.

Elmer changes between 6.0 and 6.2

Below is a list of most important new features between versions 6.0 and 6.2 in period 21.9.2010 and 6.5.2011.
Additionally there are some smaller features, numerous bug fixes, new test case and improvements in the documentation.

More precisely, there were 548 commits to the version control system and 36 new test cases.

ElmerSolver Library functionality

* In Norm computation it is now possible to pick just some components. Keyword
'Nonlinear System Norm Components' is used to set the desired ones.

* New dependency type 'opposes' and made that and 'equal' special cases of the
curve interpolation using just one parameter.

* Cubic spline interpolation for parameter tables. The cubic spline interpolation may be selected
by adding specifier "Cubic" to table defintion:

Code: Select all

param = Variable $varname
  Real Cubic
* Parallel mesh to mesh interpolation: The mesh-to-mesh interpolation should work
now in parallel without any modifications to serial cases.

* External loadable matrix vector multiply with the Solver-section keyword:

Code: Select all

Matrix Vector Proc = "file" "proc"
The routine is called using call syntax as below

Code: Select all

SUBROUTINE MatVecSubr(n,Rows,Cols,Values,x,b,0)
INTEGER :: Rows(n+1),Cols(*)
REAL(KIND=dp) :: x(n),b(n),Values(*)
where n equals system size, Rows, Cols & Values contain the CRS matrix structure with 1 based indexing.
The routine should return the value of b=Ax.

* Created a new solution procedure "BlockSolver" that enables block-wise treatment of the stiffness
matrix. This enables easily some efficient block-preconditioning strategies. The approach is still
experimental and there are just some simple examples.

* Implemented soft limiter with upper and lower bounds. It may be used both for boundaries and for bodies.
The keywords are '$varname Lower Limit' and '$varname Upper Limit'.

* Optional timing for the whole solver execution. The keyword is 'Solver Timing = Logical'. The times
will be saved by SaveScalars solver, if present.

* New keyword '$varname Condition Passive = Logical' to constraint 'body wise' passive dergees of freedom.

* Boundary conditon keyword 'Passive Target = Logical' to dynamically add new boundary condtion
between 'active' and 'passive' domains.

* SIF keyword 'mumps percentage increase working space' for setting MUMPS parameter icntl(14)

* Try preserving mesh grading when calling EqualSplitting(). The feature should work optimally when grading
profile is 1D. The keyword in Simulation section is 'Mesh Keep Grading = Logical'.

* Add (experimental) Feti solver applicable to Poisson and Navier type of equations. Typical usage
by "Linear System Solver = feti", "Linear System Iterative Method = CPG", "Feti Kernel Rot-Trans = True".
Works only in parallel.

* Solver section keywords "Dump system Matrix = filename" and "Dump system RHS = filename"
to write current matrix and/or rhs vector to disk. These are directly loadable to matlab, for example.

* Implemented a constant offset for periodic BCs. This is taken into use by the keyword
"Periodic BC Offset $varname = Real".

* Interface the CHOLMOD, a Cholesky factorization package. This is strictly for positive-definite

Build instructions:

o get SuiteSparse

o get Metis

Easiest to put the metis source under SuiteSparse/.

o Edit the SuiteSparse/UFconfig/

- change the installation directory

- add -fPIC to CFLAGS on x86_64 platforms

o Edit SuiteSparse/metis-4.x.x/Lib/Makefile

- add -fPIC to CFLAGS on x86_64 platforms

o make

make install

o replace $ELMER_HOME/lib/libamd.a with SuiteSparseInstall/libamd.a

o Compile elmer/fem with

Code: Select all

  export CHOLMOD_DIR=SuiteSparseInstall/
and f.ex.

Code: Select all

   configure ..  --with-blas="-L$CHOLMOD_DIR -lcholmod -lcamd -lccolamd -lcolamd -lmetis -L$ACML_DIR/ -lacml"
or similiar. In the .sif-file solver keywords "Linear system Symmetric=True; Linear System Direct Method=cholmod"
may be used.

Dynamics Solvers:

* HeatSolver: Added alternative keyword for enthalpy, 'Specific Enthalpy' given in units [E]/[m] rather than [E]/[V].o

* FlowSolver: Anisotropic Viscosity model. Set "Viscosity Model=anisotropic" and give "Visocity" as a 3x3 (2D) or
6x6 (3D) matrix.

* FlowSolver :First version of rotating coordinates system in Navier-Stokes equations. Invoked by adding keyword
"Angular Velocity" in body force section.

* FlowSolver: Newton linearization of the material law. Newton linearization of the non-newtonian material models
is done automatically when the Newton linearization is switched on.

* SSTKOmega: Use Reichardt wall function in SST K-Omega model (if requested). Usage as in other turbulence models,
e.g. set "Wall Law = True" in the boundary condition section.

* ShearRateSolver: Added a simple solver for computing the local shearrate field using Galerkin method.

* MagnetodDynamics: Newton type iteration of nonlinear materials for steady and transient cases within "MagnetoDynamics"
solver. Test case in "tests/mgdyn_bh".

* FreeSurfaceSolver: Feature to account for horizontal ALE contribution, set 'ALE Formulation = Logical True' in Solver section

* RigidMeshMapper: Enabled the saving of velocity field in rigid mesh mapper.

* RichardsSolver: Activated the richards solver in keywords, documentation and gui

* StatElecBoundary: 1D electrostatic BCs from for planar MEMS structures, for example.

* SaveScalars: Two statistical operators: 'sum abs' and 'mean abs' (the latter only works in serial).

* SaveGridData: Added a new subroutine for saving uniform data for visualization purposes in vti format (VtkImageData).

* ResultOutputSolver: Introduced binary and single precision output for XML VTK saving.

* IsosurfaceSolver: Improved the isosurface extractor for multiple surfaces and for isolines.

* ElementSizeSolver: Just a small solver that gives the nodal elementsize (for rather uniform meshes).

* SaveLine & SaveScalars: Optional parameter 'Output Directory = String'


* Free text fields for dynamic editors.
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